Friday, 20 August 2010

Reset your Forgotten default gateway's Router's ( password.

In case you have forgotten or lost your router password, then you can try different combination of username passwords. In case, you are like most of other users, who do not bother to change the default login settings of the devices, then your choices can be …

1. username: &ltadmin> / password: &ltadmin>
2. username: <>/&ltadmin>
3. username: &ltadmin>/&ltpassword>

In most cases, you will be able to retrieve the access. In case you are not able to do that, and you are not able to remember the lost password of, then the only option left is to use the hardware reset button on the router. Just remember to press the reset button for at least 30 seconds, otherwise the router may not be able to reset itself to the factory settings.

Once the router settings are reset, just use try to use the different username password combination we have described above.


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