Friday, 20 August 2010

Include Read MOre Links In Blogger Posts | How To Write expandable Blogger Posts

1. Increasing my blog loading speed. Besides setting my blog reading to 2 posts per page, this is useful to boost your blog speed as well.
2. Let my readers choose what post they would like to read. I can't stand reading extremely long post and I know not everyone likes rubbish talk. Let them read if they want by clicking Read More. :)

Adding "Read More" is easy in Wordpress but not in Blogspot. I have followed many guides from different bloggers and I discovered this one really easy and it works. Are you ready for it? Let's go on.

1. Go Layout-> Edit Html and search(CTRL+F) for and add the code below before it.

&ltb:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

span.fullpost {display:inline;}


span.fullpost {display:none;}

2. Expand Widget Templates and Replace the code below with &ltdata:post.body/>

&ltdiv class='post-body'>


&ltb:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>

&lta expr:href='data:post.url'>(Read more inside ..)

&ltdiv style='clear: both;'/>

3. Go Settings then Formatting then Post Template

Add the below and save.
&ltspan class="fullpost"">

For every post you want to add Read More, simply put the rest of the post within the &ltspan class="fullpost""> in Edit Html.


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