Friday, 20 August 2010

Customize Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnails

Here is an interesting tool to play with. If you’ve ever wanted to tweak the appearance of your Windows’ 7 Aero Peek feature (aka taskbar thumbnails), Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail Customizer is the tool that will allow you to change the size, alignment, delay time and positioning of taskbar thumbnails.
The tool offers sliders for changing thumbnail size, spacing and margins, as well as the delay time in waiting for the thumbnail to show up.

Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail

All you need to do is change the sliders as per your liking and click Apply Changes. The appearance of thumbnails will change accordingly and instantaneously. Don’t be afraid to play around with this little tool, because is something goes wrong, you can always use restore defaults to get back to your original settings.
Check out the two comparison screenshots below to see the difference.

W7TTC Capture

Without any modification
W7TTC Capture 2
Modified thumbnail
Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail Customizer is a portable tool that works exclusively on Windows 7.

Download Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail Customizer


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