Friday, 20 August 2010

Convert Any Media From Windows Explorer Context Menu

Oxelon Media Converter is a portable media (audio/video) files converter. Unlike other converters it provides explorer integration for quick conversions. Along with that it is a video/audio encoding tool that uses multiple threads simultaneously to take the most out of your processor. You can adjust the amount of threads to be used, the default is 5.c

explorer integration

You can also add the media files by simply dragging and dropping them in to the app. Select the desired media format, video codec and audio codec, video size, frame rate, video bitrate, audio channels and audio bitrate.  Specify target directory and hit Conversion.


If you find the options in the context menu to be annoying, you can disable it from Settings. By default it will open up the website when you close the app, to prevent this make sure to disable it from Settings. Choose the number of simultaneous conversion processes to take best use of dual or quad core machines.


Oxelon works on two modes automatic and manual. The former shows carefully filtered list of supported parameters and codecs for each video/audio format, while the latter shows list of all available parameters and codecs for each video/audio format. You can enable this mode by choosing the “Show all” option.
List of audio/video formats and codecs supported can be seen on product page.

Download Oxelon Media Converter

It works on Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP.


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